radio and television departments will be broken into
three divisions called news, production and pro-
gramming. Again, these divisions are just common
examples. Many NBS detachments have a storekeeper
and a yeoman assigned to help with supply and
administration. If they are not assigned, it is a good idea
for you to detail an engineer to supply and a JO to
administration to keep responsibility for station supply
and administration tight. A long break-in period is
usually in order in these situations. For an example of
what a station organization might look like ideally, see
figure 8-1. You may have the people to slot into each
position, but most likely, many of your people will be
falling more than one of these positions.
In figure 8-1, note the broken lines connecting the
chief engineer to supply and the operations department
head to administration. They denote a special
relationship between these positions. The supply and
administration sections work directly for the officer in
charge (OIC), but the unique and helpful work
affiliation between engineering and supply must be
maintained. This broken line shows engineering has
access to supplys manpower and resources. The same
goes for the operations department and the station
yeoman. As an OIC, you can organize your particular
station any way you see fit, but remember to keep the
charnels of communication open to allow your staff to
do the job at hand.
The operations department in NBS detachment
management is the overall section that contains the
news, production and programming functions for both
television and radio. As such, it is the center of activity
and the focal point for most contacts with the public.
Whether or not the operations department head position
is filled, is as always, a question of manpower. Even if
it is not filled there are some operational functions
which include both television and radio that must be
What happens if there is an enemy attack? What do
your people do if there is an earthquake? Who can call
up and get something on the air immediately? What is
the procedure for placing community notes in a disc
Figure 8-1.Possible NBS detachment organization.