this authorization. Specify release authority in the public
affairs plan or other guidance directives.
6. Rehearse CIB activation and operation. Test
the CIB plan periodically to determine its overall worth.
You can check its effectiveness as part of your
commands routine administrative inspection, using a
developing scenario that simulates an accident or
After advance CIB plans are in place, commit them
to paper in the form of a directive. This is called the CIB
establishment plan. The plan can be an appendix to the
larger public affairs annex to the operations order.
Appendices III and VI of this manual show examples of
CIB establishment plans. (The CIB plan in Appendix VI
is part of the decommissioning plan.)
The public affairs annex to the operations order is
the mission task statement used to plan operations
during an exercise or contingency operation. It outlines
goals, attempts to solve (in advance) any public affairs
problems that may arise and assigns definite
responsibilities for accomplishing the work with
detailed instructions for carrying it out. It follows the
format used in the operation order and is signed by, and
carries the authority of, the commander.
The CIB establishment plan outlines the purpose of
the CIBwhen and where it will be established and
under what authority, its organization, commands to
furnish personnel, planned movement of media
representatives and observers (in general terms),
communications, news conferences, briefings and news
releases. It also specifies support requirements placed
on other commands.
A good CIB establishment plan provides infor-
mation needed for the mission without including
material covered in regulations and manuals. It enables
your office to be proactive rather than reactive and helps
you control events, rather than have events control your
Follow Guidance
Normally, the overall goal of the CIB is to fulfill the
public affairs mission requirements already specified by
the commander and higher authority. You can find this
guidance in the following sources:
l PA Regs
l DoD directives
Unified command (CINC) guidance
Country team or embassy or host nation public
affairs coordination
Local command operations plan or order
Public affairs annex of the next higher
headquarters in the operational chain
Commanders guidance
Determine Public Affairs Objectives
Once you determine the mission of the command,
you must determine the public affairs objectives. You
should find out what constraints will be imposed by
higher headquarters, the embassy or the host
government. Public affairs goals for a contingency plan
or deployment of forces are often established at the
national command authority level. Each intermediate
level could amplify the goals as they filter down to your
Determine Procedures
You must decide what procedures you will use to
operate the CIB. To do this, you should review what
public affairs resources are available, determine if you
need more, and if so, where and how you can get them.
As stated before, determine who will have release
authority and make it a matter of record in the command
public affairs plan or other directive. You must
determine the location of the CIB and what its
responsibilities will be. You will need to decide how the
media members will receive their information, and how
often. You should also determine what internal
information requirements exist.
Learning Objective:
Identify the organization of a
typical CIB.
No two Navy commands are the same with regard
to structure, SOPs, personnel, and so forth. The same
holds true for CIBs. Every CIB has its own unique
organization and personnel mix, depending on the size,
duration and news media interest in the exercise,
operation or major event.
PA Regs offers a standard CIB organization from
which to base your own. It is often formed under a senior
PAO and includes three divisions: media relations,
administrative support and liaison.