. Accurate clock with a sweep second-hand
Figure 3-1.CIB layout.
l Telephones
. Electric power
During peacetime exercises you can provide
typewriters and word processing equipment for the
media. However, do not feel this is a requirement
because most reporters will bring their own, probably
portable laptop computers with built-in modems. You
should not need to provide cameras or ENG equipment
to the media.
MENTS. You also must consider what equipment you
need to support your command information mission.
Every minute counts during CIB operations
(especially during an accident or incident), so you must
have the needed tools on hand to operate the CIB
In Chapter 2, Lt. Cmdr. Tull referred to the PAO
emergency fly-away box, also known as go or
crash kits. Regardless of the name, they amount to the
same thingprepackaged, always-at-the-ready supplies
and equipment that can be taken to the CIB at a
moments notice. Several items are too large or
cumbersome to keep physically, but you must know how
and where to get them on short notice.
Consider the following items for inclusion in your
crash kit:
Facsimile machine. You use this vital machine
every day and so does the media. Battery
powered facsimile machines (ones that work
with cellular telephones) are available.
Copier. A high-speed duplicator with a stapler
and sorter is a good choice for sustained
operations with extensive media interest.
Portable generator. If nobody else can give you
power, you can produce it yourself. If your
budget will not allow you to purchase a generator,
determine who already has one and who will
bring it when you need it.
Computer and associated equipment.
Invaluable for preparing releases and for
handling a myriad of administrative tasks.
Cellular telephones. Do not count on them
following a major disaster (overloaded or down
telephone lines due to the disaster) or in rural
areas. Otherwise, when conditions are right,
cellular telephones are indispensable. (Cellulars
cannot be used for classified or sensitive
Battery operated portable radio/television.
Both are indispensable for monitoring radio and
television broadcasts on the event.