mission-hampering change of the traffic pattern might
have been avoided.
The preventive program is a planned effort to
develop a continuing program of improved conduct and
two-way communication with the community. It
furnishes a blueprint to build an effective program of
cooperation between the naval installation and its
nearby communities. The plan is usually based on the
concept that the community must be informed about the
naval installation, its mission and its needs from the
local community. It is also dependent upon what the
naval installation-and particularly the public affairs
staffknows about the community. You learn the
essential facts about the community through surveys,
interviews with leaders and research of existing
The remedial program is often called the
fire-fighting type, while the preventive program is
referred to as the fire prevention variety.
Learning Objective: Interpret the community relations
policy of the DoD and Navy.
The basic community relations policy of the DoD
was established in DoD Instruction 5410.18 of July 3,
1974 (Community Relations). This directive has been
tailored for Navy use and is the basis of PA Regs,
Chapter 4 (Community Relations).
The goals of the DoD community relations program
are stated in DoD Instruction 5410.18 as follows:
. To increase public awareness and understanding
of the armed forces and of the mission, policies
and programs of the DoD
. To inspire patriotism and encourage young men
and women to serve in the Defense Establish-
m e nt
. To foster good relations on mutually acceptable
terms with all of the various publics with which
elements of the DoD come into contact at home
and abroad
. To maintain a reputation as a good neighbor as
well as a respected professional organization
charged with a responsibility for national
To support the Human Goals Program of the
DoD, with its emphasis on the infinite dignity and
worth of the individual and the concept of equal
To support the recruiting and personnel pro-
curement missions of the DoD
The DoD puts certain limitations on community
relations programs in DoD Instruction 5410.18. Policies
for planning and conducting Navy community
relations programs and rating participation in public
events are based on public law, executive order, Navy
regulations and practical experience. To make sure a
proposed community relations program conforms to
proper policies, you must consider the following
Objectives and purpose of the program
Nature and character of the location of the
Full particulars of Navy support
Primarily, the following restrictions apply to
participation in community relations programs:
Support of commercial promotional activities
Support of racially segregated events
Endorsing partisan political activities
Endorsing sectarian, religious and fraternal
Competition with or selective endorsement of
civilian businesses
Use of military personnel in demeaning or menial
tasks for nonmilitary guests at unofficial events,
such as social functions
Funding for your command community relations
program is limited to the minimum amount needed to
accomplish official goals. Additional costs may be
approved if it is determined that the community relations
event is in the best interest of the Navy. PA Regs,
Chapter 4, provides in-depth information on the funding
of community relations programs.