(3) If sufficient interest exists, a radio coverage area near the main press
platform will be established in support of radio coverage. It will have the capability
to allow audio taping for the proceedings.
c. Camera Positions. No media will be allowed to secure camera positions on
the press platform before 8 November when camera locations will be on a first-come,
first-served basis beginning at approximately 0800.
d. Transportation.
Except for satellite and microwave trucks, news media
representatives will not be allowed to park on Allegheny Pier. Media will be greeted
at the main gate entrance to NAS Pensacola. Media will not be able to enter NAS
without an escort. Satellite and microwave trucks will be allowed to set up at the
head of Allegheny Pier.
4. Services for the Media.
a. Media Kits.
To provide members of the media with key background
b. Equipment and Supplies. NAS Pensacola public affairs office will provide
a copying and fax machine to the CIB as well as needed administrative supplies
supplemented by USS LEXINGTON supplies. USS LEXINGTON will provide
media badges and media escort badges.
c. Transportation. The CIB will have available one 15-passenger van on 7 and
8 November.
d. Stock Photography and Video. The CIB will have stock still photography
and video of LEXINGTON under way conducting flight operations (in color and
black and white).
e. CIB Telephone Numbers. The CIB telephone numbers are (904) 452-2311
and fax 452-2760.
Enclosure (1)