Figure 2-5.Notch codes used to identify the type of film.
Figure 2-6.Location of notch code that indicates the emulsion
is toward you.
The most popular medium-size format film is No.
120. This film, depending on the camera format,
provides negatives that are 6x6 cm (2 1/4 x 2 1/4
inches), 4.5x6 cm, or 6x7 cm. No. 220 roll film is used
for making the same size negatives, but because most of
the paper backing is eliminated, the roll is longer than a
120 roll and provides twice as many frames as 120 film.
Still picture 35mm films come prepackaged in
cassettes in lengths for producing 12, 20, 24, and 36
frames per roll. Also, 35mm films come in rolls 100 feet
long that can be bulk-loaded into reusable cassettes.
Sheet Film
Sheet or cut film is made in a variety of sizes from
4x5 to 11x14 inches and larger. The most common sizes
are 4x5 and 8x10 inches. Most sheet film has no paper
backing and must be loaded into and removed from film
holders in the darkroom in total darkness or under the
appropriate safelight. Eastman Kodak does market the
Kodak Readyload Packets that provide two sheets of
film in a paper packet. These packets can be loaded into
a Kodak Readyload Packet film holder or a Polaroid film
holder, Model 545. The Kodak Readyload Packets are
available only in 4x5 format.
Most sheet films have reference notches in one edge
of the film. In the dark, this allows identification of the
film type and the emulsion side of the film. Every film
type has a different notch code (fig. 2-5). The emulsion
side of the film is toward you when the notches are along
the top edge in the upper right-hand corner, or on the
bottom right edge in the lower right-hand corner of the
film (fig. 2-6).
For those sheet films that do not have notches, the
emulsion side of the film can be identified under a
safelight. The emulsion side is lighter in color than the
base side. If the emulsion side of the film must be
identified in total darkness, wet your lips and place the
edge of the film between them. The emulsion side of the
film will stick to one of your moistened lips.
Although the floppy disks used in electronic
imagery are not light sensitive, they are, however, a
commonly used image-recording medium. All floppy
disks are the same. There are no black-and-white and
color floppy disks. The camera and the printer being
used determine whether the image is black and white or
color. Images are stored as magnetic impulses on
compact 2-inch still-video floppy disks.
The pictures are recorded on tracks on a still-video
floppy disk. Each picture is recorded either as a FRAME
or FIELD (the frame or field mode is selected on the
camera). When the frame mode is selected, each picture
is recorded on two tracks. Twenty-five images can be
recorded on a floppy disk in the frame mode. When the
field mode is selected, each picture is recorded on one
track In the field mode, 50 images can be stored on each
disk. The result of using one track per photograph is the
images are less detailed than those recorded on two
tracks (frame mode). The quality of the frame-recorded
image is superior to that of the field-recorded
photograph. A combination of field and frame images
can be stored on the same disk; however, for higher
quality use the frame mode.
Sound can also be recorded on a floppy disk. Sound
is not recorded on the same track as the image. It is
recorded right after the image is recorded. The sound