Ventilation-In a chemical mixing area, exhaust
ventilation must be provided The exhaust vent must
draw vapors away from the person mixing the chemicals
and provide a complete air change once every 3 minutes
(20 changes per hour).
Mixing and diluting-Strong acids and strong
oxidizing agents may react violently or produce
explosive products. Toxic gases may be created when
acid is mixed with such chemicals as sulfides, cyanides,
nitrates, and nitrites. Diluting acids with water can
generate considerable heat; acid should always be added
to water, not water to acid. The addition should be done
slowly with constant stirring.
Never smell a chemical directly from the bottle;
instead, hold the bottle at a distance from your nose and
sniff its contents cautiously rather than inhale directly.
Never taste a chemical.
Handle all chemicals cautiously; many can
produce burns or skin irritation.
In addition to the precautions listed previously,
every person in your imaging facility must be
completely familiar with the Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) for each chemical solution used in your
photographic production. The MSDS are provided by
all the manufacturers of hazardous materials. You are
required to have the MSDS for each solution. The
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), as well as your safety officer, performs
periodic safety inspections of your imaging facility.
Every person is responsible for the location and
information contained in the MSDS. MSDS are
generally broken down into 12 sections as follows:
1. Product Information
2. Component Information
3. Precautionary Label Statements
4. Physical Data
5. Fire and Explosion Hazard
6. Reactivity Data
7. Toxicological Properties
8. Protection and Preventive Measures
9. Storage and Disposal
10. First Aid
11. Transportation
12. Preparation Information
It should be noted that separate MSDS may apply
to working solutions and stock solutions or
concentrates. Be certain that the MSDS apply to the
chemical you are in contact with.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
tightened regulations drastically and they have a
substantial impact on the way imaging facilities conduct
business. All Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) must be
handled in complete compliance with EPA regulations.
The regulations and tolerances differ from state to state
and base to base. It is important that you comply with
the regulations in your local area
Before you pour photographic chemicals down the
drain or throw material in the dumpster or over the side,
you must be certain that you are not violating any
hazardous material handling or disposal procedures.
You should be completely familiar with the
environmental protection standards and the Ship's
Hazardous Material List for all items that apply to your
command. EPA regulations state that anyone violating
environmental protection regulations can be personally
accountable and fined. When you have ANY doubt, ask
your supervisor before disposing of the material(s).
The MSDS provide information on how to
neutralize and clean up spill containment of
photographic chemicals. When handling and cleaning
up chemical spills, be sure you follow all safety
precautions mentioned previously. It is important that
any chemical spill be cleaned up immediately because
many chemicals are extremely corrosive. These
chemicals may damage or stain the surfaces with which
they come into contact. Consult your local directives on
disposing of materials used to clean up chemical spills
as well as the chemicals themselves.
Silver contained in photographic emulsions and
used fixers and bleaches are considered hazardous