Focusing systems-Continued
focusing scale, 4-6
ground glass, 4-6, 8-8
range finder, 4-7
single-lens reflex (SLR), 4-3, 4-7
twin-lens reflex (TLR), 4-7
Fog, 10-1, 10-2
Frame, 2-8, 4-31, 13-2, 13-7
Frontlighting, 4-19, 5-27
f/stop, 1-18, 4-10
Glassware photography, 6-30
Graduates, 9-2
Grain focuser, 11-15
Graininess, 2-4
Ground glass system, 4-6, 8-8
Group photographs, 6-6
Hydrometer, 9-3
Hyperfocal distance, 1-25
Identification of recorded images, 13-23, 14-10
filing, 14-10
slating, 13-24
video/film data sheet, 13-25
Visual Information Caption Sheet, DD Form 2537,
IFGA, 1-29
Illuminance, 4-18
Illustrative photography (See product photography)
Imaging product, classified markings, 14-3
Incident light, 1-5
Industrial photography, 6-37
Infinity, 1-15
Infrared emulsion, 2-3
Intelligence photography, 6-4 1
aircraft, 6-42
ports, 6-43
ships, 6-42
International Standards Organization (ISO), 2-1
Investigations, photography, 6-15
aircraft accident, 6-18 through 6-21
fire and arson, 6-16
Job control, 14-7
job-order form, 14-8
job-order log, 14-8
Visual Information Caption Sheet, 14-10
Lamps, 1-8
electronic flash, 1-9
fluorescent, 1-8
tungsten filament, 1-8
tungsten halogen, 1-9, 12-4
Large-format camera, 4-4
Latent image, 2-1
Lens, 1-10
aberrations, 1-10
copying, 8-8
diaphragm, 1-18,
effective aperture, 1-18
f/stop, 1-18 through 1-22, 4-10
focal length, 1-13
long-focal length, 1-15, l-34, 6-3
macro, 1-34
mirror, 1-35
motion picture, 13-2
normal-focal length, 1-15, 1-34
process, 8-8
rectilinear, 1-34