Cathode-ray tubes (CRT), 13-8
photography of, 8-17
Charged-coupled device (CCD), 4-30
Chemical mixers, 9-5
Chemical mixing, 9-8
Circle of confusion, 1-23
Classification authority, 14-2
Classified material, 14-1
authority to classify, 14-2
Confidential, 14-2
destruction of, 14-4
marking imaging products, 14-3
protective measures, 14-4
receipt system, 14-6
safeguarding, 14-1
Secret, 14-1
storage, 14-5
Top Secret, 14-1
Closeup shot, 13-16
Color, 5-27
Colorblind emulsion, 2-2
Color negative, evaluation, 12-6
color analyzers, 12-11, 12-13
densitometer, 12-10, 12-11
video analyzer, 12-12
Color printers, automated, 12-15
Color print, evaluation, 12-6
reflection densitometer, 12-12
ring around, 12-7
viewing filters, 1`2-8
Color print processing, 12-13
Color sensitivity, 2-2
Color star, 12-3
Color temperature, 1-4, 8-15, 12-4
Composition, 5-5
background, 5-22
balance, 5-8
center of interest, 5-6
contrast, 5-18
dynamic symmetry, 5-7
foreground, 5-22
form, 5-13
framing, 5-20
leading lines, 5-15
lighting, 5-18
lines, 5-14
motion-video images, 13-13
pattern, 5-16
principle of thirds, 5-7
shape, 5-13
simplicity, 5-7
texture, 5-18
tone, 5-18
volume, 5-16
Condenser enlarger, 11-10
Condenser-diffusion enlarger, 11-11
Confidential material, 14-2
Conjugate foci, 1-26
Contact printing, 11-2
Continuity, 13-16
screen direction, 13-17
Contrast, 2-3, 5-18, 10-31
color, 5-19
filters, 3-10, 11-13
tonal, 5-19
Control charts, 10-41
Control strips, 10-41
Control track, 13-8
Controlled security area, 14-5
Controlled action, video, 13-21
Copy originals, 8-14