end result is a sharp subject with a fuzzy background
and foreground or a fuzzy subject with a sharp
background and foreground.
4. HIGH CONTRAST. An excellent way of
changing an otherwise dull picture into a piece of art.
High contrast is used for symbolization. The result is
a stark black-and-white print with little or no detail.
Middle-gray tones are eliminated. Naturally, a strong
graphic image with leading patterns and strong
highlights works best.
5. GRAIN. Although considered objectionable,
grain is very effective for certain subjects. A grainy
rendition is highly effective when it is used to
emphasize war, violence, prison, and so forth. Grain
helps to express the mood of such subjects. It is
achieved through the use of texture screens,
reticulation, or extreme enlargements.
Fleet Hometown News (FHTN) pictures are brief
feature stories about Navy people. These stories are
released to the media in the hometown of the military
member concerned.
FHTNC topics are grouped into three major
categories as follows:
Military achievements
a. Graduation from military schools or
completion of military-training courses
b. Awards
c. Advancements or promotions
d. Reenlistments
Personal achievements
a. Completion of off-duty education, such
as college courses
b. Hobbies
c. Sporting events
d. Awards from civilian organizations
Participation stories
a. Reporting or serving aboard a ship or
b. Participating in crisis actions
c. Participating in humanitarian programs
d. Visiting foreign ports throughout the
The photograph of a subject for FHTN can be
either a formal or informal portrait. The most
important aspect of an FHTN photograph is for the
face of the subject to be clearly identified. When
more than one person is in a photograph, the emphasis
should be placed on the subject of the story.
Here are a few tips that should help your FHTN
features get released:
Do not submit photographs that could be
embarrassing to the subject or to the Navy.
Fill the photograph with the largest practical
image size and tighten up two or more
subjects to avoid unwanted space between
Ensure the subject is properly attired for the
task at hand.
Ensure the background is suitable for the
Avoid photographs where the subject appears
to be posing (except for a formal portrait).
Use lighting that does not conceal large
portions of the subjects face.
Since text in a newspaper and other
periodicals is in columns, vertically composed
photographs are preferred by editors.
For the most up-to-date information on
procedures and specifications for hometown
news stories, refer to Instructions and Policy
Concerning Fleet Home Town News Program,