PRIVACY ACT, THE A law that safeguards military
and civilian government employees against the
invasion of personal privacy and allows them to
gain access to information about themselves.
PRODUCTION In radio and television, the actual
execution of a live or taped program.
PROJECTION PRINTING In still photography, the
process of making positive prints by projecting the
negative image onto photosensitive paper.
communication medium used to project 35mm
PROJECTOR, OPAQUE A visual communication
medium primarily used to project graphs, photo
graphs and other visual aids that are too small to be
seen but should be shown in their actual from.
A visual communication medium used to project the
contents of a transparent overlay (text, illustrations
or both).
PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE The office responsible
for managing all command public affairs functions,
such as public information, internal information and
community relations.
QUADRANT DESIGN A traditional front-page
newspaper design pattern where the page is divided
into four quarters, and a dominant, eye-stopping
element (picture or headline) is placed in each
quarter so that diagonal quarters balance each other.
QUERY A request for specific information by a
reporter, usually made by telephone.
QUERY SHEET A specially designed sheet used to
document a query made by a reporter.
QUOTE A portion of a story that contains the exact
words of a speaker or writer.
RACK FOCUS In television, the process of setting
the focus on an object in the field of view. With rack
focus, only the object focused upon and other
objects at the same distance will remain in focus
as long as the distance between them and the camera
does not change.
RAM Random access memory.
RED EYE In still photography, an effect that occurs
in pictures of people and animals when the flash is
used close to the optical axis of the lens and the
subject is looking at the camera.
REEFER A headline that refers the reader to an
article inside the newspaper.
DUCER A type of tape recorder/reproducer that
uses 1/4-inch magnetic tape supplied on spools. The
tape, available in several reel sizes and tape lengths,
must be threaded onto the machine, where it passes
the tape heads at either 7.5, 15 or 30 inches per
second (ips).
RELEASE Information previously limited to a
controlled number of persons that is made available
to the general public. The release may be any
material (written, printed, oral or photographic) that
has been properly cleared and authorized for
dissemination to the public by the Navy through any
RELEASE, ADVANCE NEWS A type of release
written to promote a scheduled special event.
RELEASE LINE The portion of a news release that
describes the urgency of the material, normally one
of the following designations: For Immediate
Release, For General Release, Do Not Use After
(time and date) and Hold For Release Until (time
and date).
RELEASE NUMBER An identifying number
assigned to a standard Navy news release.
RELEASE, RADIO NEWS A type of news release
designed for dissemination to radio stations and
written in broadcast style.
document, written in news style, concerning Navy
activities approved for public dissemination by an
authorized person. The enlisted journalist normally
prepares and edits it, then the PAO, through the
authority of the officer in command, approves
the release.
RELEASE, VIDEO NEWS A type of news release
that accompanies a videotape. The release is
actually a script divided into two columns; the left
column is devoted completely to the video, or
visual, section and the right column to the audio, or
sound, section of the release.
REMOTE In radio and television, a broadcast that
originates outside the studio of a station.
REVERB In radio, the persistence of sound until it
fades away, usually achieved when a cartridge
machine is used.