(2) Act as a central clearinghouse for public information regarding Navy
(3) Disseminate the appropriate Department of the Navy messages and
materials urging the support of and participation in 50th Anniversary activities.
(4) Develop plans to accomplish the objectives described herein for
implementation by local commanders.
(5) Coordinate with DoD, Unified Commands through DoD, service
public affairs offices and national organizations to ensure the Navys
commemoration events are consistent with overall objectives and policy.
(6) Develop and conduct World War II awareness programs to provide
military and civilian communities with an appreciation and clearer understanding
of World War II observance activities throughout the commemorative period
according to DoD World War II year themes.
(7) Coordinate with the Navy Internal Relations Activity (NIRA) and
participating commands to develop material for Navywide and international internal
and external release. Local releases can be made by appropriate local commands.
(8) Coordinate with the Navy Broadcasting Service and participating
commands to incorporate significant 50th Anniversary events into Navy News This
(9) Coordinate with participating commands and civilian air show
sponsors to include World War II commemorative themes in their programs. Make
sure information on the 50th Anniversary of World War II is included in Blue Angels
c. Fleet commanders in chief and major naval commands will do the
(1) Encourage naval bases and stations, ships, squadrons and other
activities to participate in school programs such as Adopt-a-School or Partners in
Education, emphasizing World War II themes.
(2) Make sure campaign brochures with historic episodes, developed
by the Navy Historical Center and other appropriate Navy-related material on the
50th Anniversary, are distributed to units for further dissemination to local media,
support groups and veterans organizations.