Today I will discuss two reasons why the Navy of
the future will need
1st Main Point
a force of 450 active and reserve
We have the responsibility to
retain the military strength
necessary for guaranteeing our
nations security.
2nd Main Point We must help solve the domestic
financial problem by main-
taining only those forces
essential to our national security
THE HOW APPROACH. Your purpose is to
explain how something works, is to be done, can be
avoided, improves a situation, and so forth. To do this,
state in your limited objective what your main points
concern and how they will accomplish something. Then
state each main point in a simple, declarative sentence
that will specifically explain the how, as in the
following example:
Today I will discuss how NATO stopped Com-
munist aggression in the North Atlantic area.
1st Main Point Since its formation, not one
square foot of NATO territory
fell to communism.
2nd Main Point The member nations, by
heritage, by economic necessity,
by common interests and
principles, have formed a closely
knit, interdependent union for
mutual defense.
THE HOW TO APPROACH. Your purpose is
to tell your audience actually how to do something. If
you do not have time to explain a complete process, then
tell as much of the how to as time permits. (For
example, talk only of the first step of a five-step
process.) Phrase your limited objective so that you state
what it is you want your audience to know how to do.
Your main points will be statements of the steps
involved such as in the following example:
Let us discuss the first two steps in obtaining (how
to obtain) an absentee ballot.
1st Main Point The first step in obtaining an
absentee ballot is to see your
voting officer.
2nd Main Point The second step in obtaining an
absentee ballot is to write to your
election district for an appli-
cation form.
You probably noted a distinct pattern in the phrasing
of the main points. Good speakers go to great lengths to
phrase their main points in such a way that the meaning
will be clear and easily remembered by the audience. To
achieve this result, you should keep in mind the
following three characteristics of good phrasing:
l Conciseness
. Motivation
l Parallelism
State your points as briefly as possible without
sacrificing meaning. A simple declarative sentence is
better than a complex one. Therefore, Marksmanship
develops your reflex instinct is better than One of the
ways through which your marksmanship can be
improved is the use of correct techniques to better reflex
your instincts.
Whenever possible, word your main points to
appeal to the interests and desires of the audience. True,
in the introduction, you may include an entire step
devoted to motivating the audience to listen, but the
more personal the entire talk, the more interesting it will
be, The more the words you and your can be used,
the more personal the main point will be.
Try to use the same sentence structure and similar
phrasing for each of your main points. Wherever
possible, start each main point with the same phrase.
Word a series of main points like this:
Nuclear-powered ships we more flexible than
conventional ones.
Nuclear-powered ships have a longer cruising
range than conventional ones.
Nuclear-powered ships require less engineering
personnel than conventional ones.