may be too much light falling on the forehead and notenough light falling on the lower part of the face. Thiseffect can be improved by moving the main light fartheraway from the subject and placing it correctly.Highlights on the forehead, the upper cheeks, thechin, and along the bridge of the nose are created by themain light. These highlights give life, brilliance, andform to a portrait, and the quality of these highlights arecontrolled by the main light distance.To determine the main light distance, start with thelight about 4 feet from the subject and about 2 feet abovethe subject's eye level. The light should be about a45-degree angle to the lens axis. Observe the foreheadhighlight and move the light closer to the subject; as thelight gets closer to the forehead, highlights spread out toa large, flat area and begin to wash out.Now, start moving the main light away from thesubject. As you slowly move it back, you will find thereis a point where the forehead highlight becomesrelatively small and bright. When the light is movedback much further from this point, the highlight spreadsand disappears. Between the point where the highlightis brightest and where it starts to disappear lies the rangewhere the highlight still has character. This point iswhere you get the most pleasing effect. Once you havefound the distance where the main light gives yourdesired effect, the distance should remain the sameregardless of the direction you need to move the light.This main light distance should always be considered asthe starting point of portrait lighting.Main Light HeightTo determine the correct height for the main light,move the light directly in front of the subject whilemaintaining the distance determined for the foreheadhighlight. Raise or lower the light until the shadow castby the nose is just long enough to touch the top edge ofthe upper lip. This is the height the main light shouldnormally be no matter at what position you place it inan arc around the subject.When your subject is wearing a hat with a visor, thevisor shadow should fall naturally across the face. Manyphotographers think the shadow cast by the visor shouldnot shade the eyes. The shadow from the visor shouldshade the eyes, however, in a portrait, this shadowshould not be so dark that shadow detail is lost and theeyes are hard to see. To prevent this shadow from beingtoo dark, raise the main light to the desired height, andinstead of aiming it down at an angle, aim it straight.This way the light is cast under the visor and preventsthe shadow from becoming too darkMain Light DirectionBy the time you have determined the main lightdistance and the height for a given subject, you shouldhave a pretty fair idea of the direction you want the mainlight to come from. To establish the direction fromwhich this light should come, move the main light in anarc, to the right or left, around the subject. Remember,while moving the main light, its established distance andheight should be maintained.The shadow cast by the subject's nose is your keyto main light direction. The light should be movedaround until the shadow cast by the nose merges withthe cheek shadow and leaves a small, triangularhighlight on the cheek. When this is done, the main lightis in position. Remember, the main light must always bethe dominant, directional, shadow pattern forming light.Fill-in LightOnce the main light has been established, the fill orfill-in light is added. This fill light is a secondary lightand must not overpower the main light. Its purpose is tofill in and soften the shadow areas, making them lighter,and to provide shadow detail.The fill light is normally placed slightly above thesubject's eye level, on the opposite side of the camerafrom the main light and near the camera lens axis. Thefill-in light should be less intense than the main light andof softer quality. This light is often diffused even whenthe main light is not.By placing the fill light slightly above the subject'seye level, you can cast a shadow under the chin. Thisshadow separates the head from the neck. The chinshadow should be soft and unpronounced.The intensity of the fill-in light can be controlled byeither adjusting the power setting of an electronic studiolight set or adjusting the light-to-subject distance. Thefill light can be moved in an arc to the side of the subjectand away from the camera. The fill light must notproduce conflicting shadows (shadows that pointtoward the main light).Catch LightThere should be a small, bright reflection of themain light in the eyes of the subject. This is a catch light.The catch light adds life and brilliance to a portrait and7-11
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