Figure 4-18.Lighting directions.
exposed during bright sun on light sand or snow, bright
direction from which the light is falling on your subject,
sun, cloudy bright, and cloudy conditions are for scenes
you may have to compensate the camera exposure.
that are front-lighted only. The direction of the light
There are three basic lighting directions with which you
source from heavy overcast or open shade conditions
must become familiar. These lighting directions are as
does not affect exposure because it is extremely diffused
follows: frontlighting, side lighting, and backlighting
and the direction is not apparent.
(fig. 4-18).
The amount of light reflected from the scene
Frontlighting.Whenever light originates from
changes, as the direction of the light changes. As the
behind the camera and illuminates the front of the
lighting direction is changed from in front of the subject
subject, it is called frontlighting. A subject appears
to behind the subject, the amount of light reflected from
brightest and reflects the most light toward the camera
the subject is reduced; therefore, depending on the
when the subject is front-lighted.