centered both horizontally and vertically in the
photograph (fig. 7-12).
The best camera and film to use for a full-length
photograph is a 4x5 camera and a Polaroid 4x5 film
back When this combination is used, the customer can
leave the studio with the final product. Any camera or
imaging system can be used, depending on your imaging
facilities capabilities, providing that two 4x5-inch prints
are furnished to the customer.
best advantage. Because the photogenic qualities of
each person's face vary, certain corrective techniques in
posing, lighting, and camera heights can be used to help
depict the subject favorably and improve the quality of
the portrait. Changing the camera viewpoint, combined
with proper lighting and pose, can create amazing
alterations in the pictured appearance of any face. Table
7-1 shows corrective techniques and ways they can be
used to correct common problem areas.
The primary goal in portrait photography is to
Normally, the exposure for portraits should be based
present the subject in a favorable and flattering manner.
on the fill light alone as measured at the subject position.
Your most difficult problem is combining the pose,
The fill light is the single source of illumination to the
lighting, and camera viewpoint to show your subject to
shadow areas and image detail in the shadow areas.
Table 7-1.Corrective Treatments
Fat, round face
Thin face
Wide forehead
Narrow forehead
Eyes close together
Eyes far apart
Small eyes
Large or protruding eyes
Deep set eyes
Uneven eyes
Bags under eyes
Cross eyed or
defective eye
Shoot three-quarter view, light side of face away from camera
Use three-quarter or side lighting
Shoot front, full face
Use low three-quarter or side lighting
Use low-camera viewpoint
Tilt chin upward
Use high-camera viewpoint
Use low-camera viewpoint
Little or no hair light
Blend head with background
Shoot three-quarter pose
Shoot three-quarter pose
Shoot three-quarter pose
Use three-quarter lighting so the eyes are in shadow
Use high three-quarter lighting
Lower eyes slightly
Low-camera viewpoint
Use frontlighting to keep eyes out of shadow
Turn head toward one side so natural perspective eliminates uneven
Use makeup. Use frontlighting
Turn head so bad eye is away from camera. Light side of face toward
camera to place other eye in shadow