Figure 5-1.Typical requisition request.
5. FISC Oakland makes an issue transaction report
6. NAVSUPSYSCOM applies the issue reports to
its master record and certifies that the stock of this
equipment at FISC Oakland is below the required level.
NAVSUPSYSCOM then issues a contract to the XYZ
Corporation to replenish FISC Oaklands stock.
7. XYZ Corporation ships the equipment to FISC
8. FISC Oakland makes a receipt transaction
The General Services Administration (GSA),
though not a part of the Department of Defense, does
furnish some materials and services to the Armed
Forces. It is responsible for supporting all Federal
GSA maintains stock points at several locations
throughout the country. It also has open-end contracts
with major suppliers for such items as typewriters,
adding machines, and calculators. A good portion of
the Navys administrative supplies and equipment is
procured from this source.
The GSA makes contracts with many
manufacturers to buy at an agreed upon price. Most
materials used by Navy imaging facilities are on the
"GSA Schedule." This means that a local store,
carrying material you need, may sell it to you at the
established GSA price. However, material that is
stocked by the Navy must be ordered from the Navy
Supply System. Prices vary between the two systems;
sometimes you will pay more for goods when ordering