This NEC could be part of your long-range career
planning. You may earn it by graduating from the
Broadcast Managers Course (BMC) at the DMI or by
completing at least two previous management
assignments with AFRTS activities.
Although this is primarily a photographers mate
NEC, members of the JO rating also may earn it. Sailors
with this NEC cover and photograph events of news or
documentary interest, while supporting and effectively
meeting the public affairs objectives and programs of
the military services. They apply layout and design
principles, news and feature writing, basic and advanced
photographic techniques and production, and
demonstrate writing and photographic skills.
To earn this NEC, you must first complete the
eight-week Intermediate Photojournalism Course (IPC)
offered at the DMI (JO B School), then perform as a
photojournalist in the field for one year. Your CO must
forward an endorsement to the DMI before the NEC is
approved and awarded
Sailors with the PH-8148 NEC photograph
newsworthy events, prepare photography in news form,
write captions and text for news stories, and maintain
liaison with their counterparts in the news media. They
also train personnel in photojournalism techniques.
You can earn this NEC by applying for acceptance
to PH/JO C School at the Rochester Institute of
Technology. This fully accredited curriculum includes a
minimum of 18 semester hours (30 quarter hours) of
advanced photojournalism techniques and practices,
including picture editing, newswriting and reporting,
feature article writing, graphic arts, layouts, design,
ethics in journalism, and many others. The NEC is
awarded after your successful completion of the course.
You may obtain furher information on all four
NECs by consulting the Manual of Navy Enlisted
Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
Occupational Standards, Volume II (Navy Enlisted
Classifications), NAVPERS 18068F.
The purpose of this TRAMAN is ensure the
quality and integrity of Navy journalist training and to
help you meet the basic requirements for advancement
to J03 and J02. It is based on the most current (at the
time of this writing) journalist occupational standards
(OCCSTDS) in the Advancement Handbook for Petty
Officers (JO). Since OCCSTDS change periodically, be
sure you check with your Educational Services Office
(ESO) for the most up-to-date OCCSTDS.
This TRAMAN will not make you an accomplished
writer or a public affairs specialist overnight, but it can
help. It contains many useful rules and tips that, if you
learn and practice, will lead you down the path of
success in one of the most exciting and rewarding
ratings in the U.S. Navy.