Staff Sgt. Bill Thompson, USAF
Figure 12-6.Picture sequence in a picture page layout.
important aspects of the subject in greater clarity
and detail than would have appeared in reality to
an observer. Only in the form of a close-up can a
face, pair of hands performing a certain function
proportion to its significance to the story.
Horizontal and vertical views. Shoot both
horizontal and vertical views of your subject
with the same action portrayed when possible.
This provides more latitude when you construct
a picture story layout. You can usually crop
long shots during the layout process to meet
design requirements, but not medium and
closeup shots.
Tentative and Final Layout
Picture stories are not just a haphazard gathering of
photographs. The photographs used must have specific
functions. The use of one photograph, as opposed to
another, is closely aligned with the layout design. Even
as you take photographs, you should consider the picture
story layout.
The lead photograph is not necessarily the first
picture in chronological sequence, but the picture that
contains the essence of the story. Within the layout, the
lead photograph is usually the largest and placed to
attract the readers attention.
communicate the story. They must use compositional
techniques to present interesting and stimulating
photographs. The editors should strive to present the
photographs in different sizes and formats as well as
presenting rights and lefts, highs and lows, longs and
close-ups, and at the same time, using the minimum
number of display elements. Allow for maximum
latitude when selecting your visuals.
You also should consider end photographs during
the planning phase of the picture story. Not all picture
stories have definite endings, but all should bring the
reader to the significance of the story.
After accomplishing the preceding tasks, you are
ready to take photographs. The law of averages indicates
that the more you take, the better your chances are of
getting exactly what you want. However, if you are
properly prepared, your photographs will not be a
number of unrelated shots, but will be several sequences
that cover the specific picture ideas listed on the script.
This method was used during the first landing of the
space shuttle (fig. 12-6). By covering your assignment in
this reamer, you will have a variety of visuals that can be
used in a picture page layout.
Equipment Readiness
Speed is the essence of news photography,
especially spot news that just happens. Therefore, it is
crucial that you always have a ready camera on hand