6. Erase all pencil lines.
A picture sequence is a series of photographs
dealing with one subject. It may tell a story, present
an event, describe a scene, reveal a person, or show
how to do something. A common use for a picture
sequence is depicting a person during an interview.
The most successful picture sequences create several
visual images that contain emphasis and action.
When you are producing a picture sequence,
remember, film is a relatively cheap commodity. It is
foolish for you to feel restrained by the amount of
film you use. A virtue of the 35mm camera is that a
series of 36 exposures can be made in rapid
succession to record many expressions that may be
edited later.
Picture sequences are categorized according to
their method of production as follows:
example of this type of sequence is the photographic
interview where the cameraperson and the subject
remain in their respective positions throughout the
picture session.
The use of a long lens is almost a necessity for
this type of sequence. A long lens permits you to be
far enough away that you will not disturb the subject;
yet it can produce large images (usually head and
shoulders) or close-ups.
Picture sequences of this type are often used in sports
photography where the action moves up and down the
field of play while you are confined to your seat.
This type of sequence is also used for photographing
events, such as a parade, as it passes by. You may be
in the reviewing stand or even on the roof of a nearby
approach to sequence photography often presents the
subject in a more interesting way. It is used to show
different aspects of the subject, such as several angles
of an aircraft or a building. It adds variety and
interest to the series.
the most dramatic sequence and allows you to use
your imagination to the fullest extent. But it also
requires you to follow the action physically. For
example, this type of sequence may be used to show
a pilot being rescued from his burning aircraft by a
crash crew. The first picture shows the crash crew
getting into their fire fighting turn-out gear. Picture
number two shows the fire trucks approaching the
burning plane. The third picture shows one of the fire
fighters freeing the pilot from the wreckage. The
fourth picture shows first aid being administered to
the injured pilot. The final picture in the sequence
shows a doctor treating the pilot in an emergency
room. In producing this sequence, you must shoot
many exposures and then edit them down to those that
are most effective.
Finally, a picture sequence requires continuity that
may be created by subject action, by photographic
technique, or by an event (fig. 1-4).
The production of a picture story is one of the
most exciting and challenging assignments in
photography. It is an effective method of telling a
story about events that are happening in the Navy.
However, a picture story does not just happen; it starts
with an idea. This idea forms the foundation upon
which a story is built. When the idea is sound and
you provide good photography, there is an excellent
chance of developing a professional picture story.
Regrettably, the development of a picture story is
a major stumbling block for many photographers. All
too frequently you hear the comment, "There is
nothing in my command to do a picture story on."
This is an unfortunate attitude. Navy men and women
are surrounded by a wealth of picture-story material;
look around! The sea, ships, and ships crews have
fascinated people for years. Unfortunately, most Navy
people take their environment for granted.
To the non-photojournalist, a picture sequence is
sometimes confused with a picture story. A picture
sequence is a group of loosely related photographs
that provide the reader with only a few miscellaneous
impressions of an event. The picture story, on the
other hand, is a complete unit that has been planned,
researched, and supported by written text and
captions. It is the account of an interesting and
significant event, personality, idea, or other aspect of
contemporary life. In a picture story, the photographs
and text support each other. There are several types