Figure 6-1.Copy-edited story.
The original copy of a story is known as a rough
(fig. 6-l). Normally, it is typed double-spaced on only
one side of the paper. In general, a JO follows the same
format in typing a rough as in preparing a finished Navy
news release. It does not have to be as neat, however,
and may include Penciled-in corrections, additions or
deletions, as necessary. The rough obviously does not
need the letterhead information usually carried on a
release ready for dissemination. It is a recommended
practice in large offices for the authors last name to
appear on the rough. This, of course, enables the copy
editor (usually the PAO or the senior JO) to identify the
To prepare copy for reproduction in its final form,
the copy editor uses a special set of shorthand symbols
to indicate any required changes (fig. 6-2).