information on various civic groups, veterans organi-
zations and other types of forums before which Navy
The next step is to prepare a folder on each recruited
speakers might appear. Such information provides data
speaker. The folder will provide the best method of
for audience analysis, which is essential if the speech is
being sure that you select the right speaker for the right
to achieve its objectives.
occasion and special audience.
The following information should be included in
this folder:
The fifth step in the organization of a speakers
Previous speaking experience or training
Special qualifications to speak on certain subjects
Previous speaking engagements and evaluations
Biographic data sheet
Photographs and news releases for advance
publicity, a proposed introduction for the program
chairmen and any additional elements that might
be of interest in fitting a speaker to a subject
If your speakers bureau is fortunate and has a large
number of speakers, it may be advantageous to use a
cross-reference system to identify speakers and subjects
easily. Prepare cards that can be filed alphabetically
according to topic (fig. 6-14).
In addition to information concerning the speakers,
it is equally important to develop an extensive tile on
community organizations that includes detailed
bureau is the development of a reference library. This
file should include reference material on most Navy or
military oriented topics. The more complete the
reference library, the greater the assistance to the
speaker. Such assistance may be a determining factor in
the speakers willingness to accept speaking engagements.
The following is a list of functions of the reference
library file:
l To assist the speaker in selecting a topic of
current interest that is appropriate to the mission
of the command.
. To provide easy access to factual information on
current topics.
. To provide easy access to policy statements and
speeches on current themes.
. To provide guidelines and models for the
preparation of speeches.
. To provide appropriate data concerning the
availability of audiovisual aids.
Figure 6-14.-Cross-reference card.