which could reasonably be expected to cause serious
damage to the national security.
Use of the classification Confidential is limited to
national defense information or material, the
unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be
expected to cause damage to national security.
The term Restricted Data as defined in the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954 means all data
concerning (1) the design, manufacture, or
utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the
production of special nuclear material; or
(3) the use of special nuclear material in the
production of energy.
The term Formerly Restricted Data applies to
classified defense information which (a) has
been removed from the Restricted Data
category in order to conform with the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954 and (b) cannot be released
to foreign nationals except under specific
international agreements.
Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data
are NOT in themselves classification
categories, but are additional warning notices of
special handling requirements. Thus a
classification category is used with the warning
notice wherever it is appropriate.
The designation For Official Use Only is
assigned to official information that requires
protection according to statutory requirements
or in the public interest, but does not require
safeguarding in the interest of national defense.
A security classification may not be used to
conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or
administrative error; to prevent embarrassment
to a person, organization, or agency; or to
restrain competition.
The authority to assign a security classification is
restricted to those officials who have been designated
the authority in writing.
Original Classification
One important aspect of classification that is
commonly misunderstood is the difference between
original and derivative classification. Original
classification is warranted only when information
requiring classification is generated and classification
cannot be derived from information that was classified
previously. For example, information pertaining to a
technological breakthrough or a significant scientific
advance generally requires original classification
Derivative Classification
The majority of classified material you work with
is the product of derivative classification. As the word
implies, this type of classification is based on and
obtained from a previous classification. Derivative
classification is applied when the information presented
is the same (or closely related to) as other information
that already is assigned a classification.
Suppose you are making photographs for a report
of Iraqi warships in the South China Sea If the report is
based on a source document that states that such
photographs should be classified, your classification is
derived from that source. Or suppose you take pictures
of a radar system that is classified Secret. Then the
picture, the negatives, the test prints, and the
enlargements are also classified Secret. The
classification of the pictures is derived from the
classification of the radar system. Most of the
information classified derivatively is taken from
documents classified previously. Whenever you copy or
extract classified information, you must ensure that the
extracted information bears the same classification in
the new document (such as a photograph) as it did in the
source document.
In marking a derivatively classified document, you
must cite the source of that classification or authority
(e.g., CNO ltr, ser OP-009 of 1 Oct 93) on the classified
by line. Records must be available for the lifetime of
the document to show the basis for classification or to
trace the chain of classification authority.