Navy unprepared. Just as when a ship is replenishing at
sea or an amphibious force is assaulting a beach, every
detail should be thought of and every contingency
provided for in advance.
When you have effectively planned and organized
your special event well, it will easily match the
definition described at the beginning of this section. In
special events, special arrangements will help you drive
home your message.
Devices are especially important on guest cruises
and similar orientation visits. They include such
particulars as special name tags, place cards, identifying
caps or pins, booklets, wallet cards, humorous awards
and other souvenirs. Their value is threefold:
They represent that added touch that shows the
Navy wants to be more than a good host.
They often contain, in capsule form, the message
the event is designed to get across.
They serve to remind the Navy guest of his
pleasant and usually very educational experience
with the Navy.
Identification Tags
When guests come aboard a ship or station, it is
always a problem to identify individuals and to make
sure that people, baggage and transportation are routed
to the right places at the right time. This problem can be
overcome if a guest list is compiled well in advance and
if billeting and transportation arrangements are made
before the guests arrive.
A color scheme can be followed in making out lapel
identification tags, place cards, identification signs for
buses, boats and aircraft or any other types of
identification or direction devices you may use.
Encourage guests to wear lapel tags. These should
be large enough so they can be read at a distance of about
10 feet. Include each guests profession or business and
hometown as well as his name on these tags. Suggest
that the guests wear them on their right lapel. This way
the tags can be read easily when the guests are shaking
hands. Tags on the left lapel are nearly invisible in this
If the group is small and will not be broken into other
groups, billeting is less of a problem. Be sure a list of
names or room numbers is furnished to the quarterdeck
wardroom attendant, CO, XO and others who should
have the information. If guests will be billeted with the
ships officers, try to get some information on each guest
to the officers concerned. A guest will feel more
welcome if his roommate knows he is coming.
If guests baggage will be moved any distance by a
working party, have baggage tags already made out with
each individuals name and billet number. Anyone who
has traveled any distance will appreciate having his
baggage delivered to his room promptly so he can clean
up before beginning the strenuous orientation program
the command may have laid out for him.
If your group is large and you want to break the
guests into several subgroups, use different colors for
each groups baggage tags.
Pamphlets and Programs
People coming aboard ship for a guest cruise or even
for a simple public visitation like to know what is
happening and to have something to take away with
them. For this reason, no event of this type is complete
without a pamphlet.
The easiest type of program to prepare for public
visitation is a special edition of the ship or station
newspaper. Devote most of the front page to the event
and print a program there or on the back page. If
appropriate, print a map on the back page showing the
location of major points of interest and routes to follow.
The remainder of the issue can be devoted to the usual
content of the paper.
For small groups, one simple program should
contain only the information a guest needs without
snowing him under a mountain of superfluous
information. By printing successive sections on
different size pages and indexing each section at the
bottom of its first page, the command has prepared an
attractive book with a lot of useful information arranged
for ready reference.
Photo Brochures
Some commands compile attractive photo
brochures for VIP groups that serve both to emphasize
the objectives of the cruise or orientation visit and as a
souvenir of the event. Photographic coverage is
carefully planned and the best shots are selected and
printed in the finished book. Sufficient margin should
be left on the left side of the photos for binding. Captions
emphasizing the message the command
are prepared to accompany the photos.
wants to plug