10-62.10-63.10-64.10-65.The VIRIN of a videotape cassetteshould be recorded at thebeginning of the tape for aminimum of what viewing time, inseconds?1. 52.103.154. 30All Navy imaging productsforwarded to a Visual InformationRecords Center for preacces-sioning must be accompanied bywhat form?1.DD Form 107002.DD Form 25373.DD Form 13484.OPNAV 5290/1Learning Objective:Identifymethods used to mount prints.Normally, prints are mounted inwhich of the following ways?1.With all borders equal2.With the top border beingthe widest3.With the bottom borderbeing the widest4.With a mounting board thathas loud, contrasting colorWhich of the following adhesivesshould you use to mount photo-graphic prints on a mountingboard?1.Rubber cement2.Gum arabic3.Paste4.Glue79
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