plays. The end zones provide you with an excellent
opportunity to capture plays on both sides of the ball.
Since scoring takes place in the end zones, a lot of heated
action and exchanges tab place inside the 10- yard-line.
On the sidelines, bench shots sometimes dramatically
tell the winning or losing tale the frustration painted
on a coachs face or the fatigue illustrated in a linemans
slumped body.
Use long, fast lenses to cover football. Additionally,
you should also have a wide-angle or normal lens for
sideline and goal-line shots.
Basketball action normally takes place within 18
feet of the basket. Position yourself near your teams
basket so you can capture plays in the lane.
A 50mm lens is a safe bet for basketball
photography. Longer lenses can make for dramatic
photographs, but following the action and focusing
becomes more difficult. However, you may get good
shots by focusing a long lens on the net; then wait for a
lay-up or rebound
Hoops is perhaps the most difficult sport to
photograph because of the lack of lighting, the fast
action and the inability to always predict where the
action will take place. To compensate, you should use a
high-speed film or an electronic flash unit. Direct flash
creates harsh shadows and could blind the athletes, so
use a diffused flash.
Sometimes events in a game happen so quickly that
you cannot stop to write down cutline information. In
this case, it is sometimes wise to shoot the scoreboard,
especially after a key play. Doing so can keep you on
track if you cannot keep a running caption log to record
the time remaining and score when the play occurred.
Use time-outs, breaks between innings or other slack
times to go back and write down your notes as described
in Chapter 9.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify the process
of handling photographs with historical or
news value.
Whenever a photograph is considered to be of
historical or news value, the Navy Imaging Command
in Washington, D.C., wants to retain it in the Navys
permanent files (after you have made local use of it).
Photographic documentation accomplished by
designated photojournalists (NEC-8148) and other
photography of significant news value should be
forwarded to CHINFO.
Detailed instructions for handling photographs of
this nature are covered in the Navy Visual Information
Management and Operations Manual, OPNAVINST
5290.1 series.