Continuity Cutting
Figure 14-48.Cutaway.
Figure 14-49.Cut-in.
Continuity cutting is the most commonly used
method of editing videotape for news or feature releases.
It is used when the storytelling is dependent on matching
consecutive scenes. Continuity cutting consists of
matched cuts in which continuous action flows from one
shot to another.
The three transitional devices associated with
continuity cutting are the cutaway, cut-in a nd
CUTAWAY. When the action shown is not a
portion of the previous scene, a transitional device,
known as a cutaway, is used to change positions,
movements or characters or to denote a lapse of time.
This eliminates a mismatch, or jump cut, that would
cause the segment to appear jerky or out of sequence.
Cutaways are often termed protection, reaction, insert
or cover shots and are thought of as secondary action
For example, if the main thought is centered around
a parade, cutaways might consist of closeup shots of the
crowd Children may be shown watching intently, eating
candy or applauding; adults may be wearing different
expressions of emotion or carrying children on their
shoulders (fig. 14-48). These shots are of human interest
and are related to the main story, but are not actually a
primary part of it.
If you have a good selection of cutaways, often you
can make a marvelous story out of an otherwise drab
and commonplace event. The cutaway can cover a
multitude of camera operator errors and result in the
formulation of an exciting segment.
Cutaways should last between three and five
CUT-IN. Another method used to denote a lapse
of time is the cut-in. Unlike the cutaway, the cut-in is a
part of the primary action, rather than the secondary
action. For instance, to denote a person climbing a long
flight of stairs, you establish the individual at the start
of the climb, then cut to a close-up of feet as they take
the steps. After you establish the shot (three to five
seconds), you cut back to the person at the top of the
stairs (fig. 14-49). A person can appear to walk a city
block in just a few seconds by showing feet walking or
a hand carrying a briefcase.